How to fish off-color water and/or high water?

Fishing off-color or high water can definitely present a challenge, but it can also offer some unique opportunities! 

Here are some tips to help you make the most of it:

1. Go Big or Go Home:

  • Lures and Flies: Use larger, more vibrant lures or flies to grab the fish’s attention in murky water. Think big streamers or bright-colored patterns.
  • Presentation: Slow down your retrieve or drift to give fish more time to find your offering.

2. Focus on Structure:

  • Find Cover: Look for fish holding near structure like fallen trees, boulders, or undercut banks. In high water, fish might seek out these areas for shelter and reduced current.
  • Downstream Zones: In high water, fish might be more concentrated in eddies and slower-moving areas downstream of fast flows.

3. Use Sound and Vibration:

  • Noisy Lures: Consider using rattling or noisy lures that can create vibrations and sounds fish can sense in murky water.
  • Weight: Adding extra weight to your rig can help get your bait down to where the fish are in faster currents.

4. Adjust Your Technique:

  • High Water: Cast closer to the banks and adjust your casting to work the water’s edges and slower current areas. Fish might be more likely to be found near these areas in high water.
  • Off-Color Water: Fish may rely more on their sense of vibration and smell, so a bit of experimentation with different scents and attractants might help.

5. Be Patient and Observant:

  • Read the Water: Pay close attention to the water’s flow and any changes in depth or structure. Fish behavior can vary with the conditions, so be ready to adapt.
  • Time of Day: Sometimes, fish might be more active during certain parts of the day, so keep an eye out for patterns that work best under the current conditions.

Remember, fishing in challenging conditions can be a bit like hunting for hidden treasures. The rewards of landing a fish when the odds are stacked against you can be incredibly satisfying. Happy fishing!

Here are a few articles to help you when the conditions are not quite as you hoped.